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Betahaus Design Sprint


Betahaus is a co-working space & community of 1000+ entrepreneurs, startups & freelancers. The Sales Managers were using two separate tools to see rooms’ availability at certain date intervals in order to be able to rent them out to freelancers on the requested dates.

However, a lot of time and manual work was involved in this process as the Sales Managers were not able to see which rooms were available at present and future dates, and where they were located in the co-working space. Management didn’t have any overview of the used space and related revenue.

In order to solve the problem, rapidly iterate and prototype new ideas, we ran a design sprint.


I was invited as the Design Sprint facilitator by Obst Digital, a freelance design & development collective, to prepare all the material and keep track of the process.


2 Sales Managers of Betahaus, CEO of Betahaus, CTO and Lead Designer from Obst Digital


How can we create a tool appealing to all stakeholders, which would give a quick and clear overview of:

  • Which rooms will be available at a certain date interval, and where the rooms are located, for Sales Managers.

  • Total net revenue coming from the utilised space at a certain point of time, revenue trend and predicted future revenue, for C Level.


1. Define the Challenge - Explore the problem space, define the problem + agree on the long term goal.

2. Produce Solutions - After understanding the problem, focus on solutions.

1. Define The Challenge


Expert Interview

We have conducted interviews with the main stakeholders from the Sales Team in order to get a better understanding of the product, its main users and the main pain points. I asked the team 2 questions in this stage -What’s the problem your product is trying to solve?& “What are the main pain points?”. The team came up with formulation of How Might We(HMW)’s.


Long Term Goal

To identify the main goal, I’ve asked: “Look at the future of your company / product – in 2 years time, if everything worked perfectly, what would the case be?” 

Sprint Questions

“In trying to reach this objective, what could make us fail?”



I drew the user journey map on a whiteboard with the input of all the stakeholders. We placed the most voted HMW’s on the related areas on the map, and picked a target. The goal was to map out the problem and pick an important area to focus for the Sprint.

Lightning Demo

I asked the team to browse the internet and come up with 3 examples of products in other industries that solve problems we are trying to solve.

2. Produce Solutions



After a review of existing ideas of inspiration, we started with copying the notes for the goal and questions, then sketched out some ideas, and proceeded with “Crazy 8” exercise.

The team members then dot-voted on the solution sketches and decided which one has the best chance of achieving the long-term goal.



We created the storyboard to show the test flow of the winning concept and the steps the user would take to move through the prototype. The goal was to unify the entire team on the prototype concept.

Next Steps

Based on the storyboard I created the mid-fidelity prototype, together with the Lead Designer. After an initial review with the stakeholders, the next step will be to start user testing it and proceeding with development.